Grow your business with capital, expertise & ressources

Growfunds creates and invests in e-commerce brands, using our insights, creativity, experience, and structure to scale them into global market leaders.

Apply for investment
Grow your business with capital, expertise & ressources

Growfunds creates and invests in e-commerce brands, using our insights, creativity, experience, and structure to scale them into global market leaders.

Apply for investment
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Børsen logo
Saxis logo
KEA logo
Forbes logo
Børsen logo
Saxis logo
KEA logo

Track record:

Between the partner team, we have experience from +130 e-commerce companies ranging from 1-50 million EUR in annual revenue. In addition to capital, we invest our resources, network and expertise to turbocharge your e-commerce growth journey.


E-commerce businesses have we helped grow through strategy, marketing and product development.

+200 mio. EUR

In revenue generated for e-commerce companies in 2023.

Our services and competencies

What we do:


Growfunds invests capital in e-commerce companies with high growth potential.


Growfunds acquires and consolidates e-commerce stores with high growth potential.


Growfunds builds e-commerce companies and assembles a founding team.

The ecosystem

Growfunds invests in or acquires agencies and SaaS companies whose services support e-commerce growth.

Fazel Ahmad Majed
Co-Founder & CEO
Chastine Gaardsdal Jensen
Co-Founder & Partner
Sebastian Sonne Frederiksen
Co-Founder & Partner


Skalering af til €300.000 i månedlig omsætning


Da henvendte sig til os, stod de over for flere udfordringer, der begrænsede deres vækstpotentiale. Virksomheden havde en begrænset online tilstedeværelse og kæmpede med at etablere synlighed på et konkurrencepræget marked inden for modebranchen.

Det samarbejde, der opstod mellem og Growbix, førte til bemærkelsesværdige resultater:

  • Vækst i omsætningen: opnåede eksponentiel vækst og skalerede fra nul til over €300.000 i månedlig omsætning.
  • Afkast af annonceringsomkostninger (ROAS): Vi opnåede en ROAS på 5, hvilket demonstrerer effektiviteten og resultaterne af vores digitale annonceringskampagner.
  • Konverteringsrate: Vi øgede konverteringsraten til 3,2, hvilket succesfuldt omdannede hjemmesidebesøgende til betalende kunder.
  • Kundens livstidsværdi (CLV): Efter seks måneder havde kunder i gennemsnit 3,2 ordrer, hvilket resulterede i en yderst indbringende forhold mellem kundens erhvervelsesomkostninger (CAC) og kundens livstidsværdi (CLV) på 8.
  • Forbedret kundeengagement: Gennem personlige e-mail-kampagner øgede vi kundeengagementet med højere åbnings- og klikrater.

2021 Q4

Opstart – ongoing



€0 - €300.000

Månedlig omsætning


We have experience from:

The process

5 simple steps to investment and success.

Apply for investment

Fill out the form with relevant information for us to evaluate your case.

Case evaluation

We will evaluate the information received and assess if the case is a match between what your company is looking for and what Growfunds is offering.

First dialogue

If there is a match, we will enter into a first dialog to discuss the remaining information and any questions from both parties.

Second dialogue

In the second dialogue, Growfunds will present its offer and criteria based on the dialogue and your companies ambitions, that was discussed in the first dialogue.


If the offer is accepted, we move on to the due diligence process, after which the deal will close and the growth phase will begin.

Who we are looking for

A good match for us

Criteria 1

You are an e-commerce business or a business that creates value in the e-commerce ecosystem.

Criteria 2

Your business must have created proof of concept and have paying customers.

Criteria 3

You must have a gross profit margin on your product or service of at least 50%.
We recognize that there are matches beyond the criteria, so if you think we could have a good potential collaboration, please feel free to apply.